Welcome to Camp Extreme
Camp Extreme Boys: Stay tuned for dates and locations.
Camp Extreme Girls: Stay tuned for dates and locations.

The focus of CAMP EXTREME’S at risk youth program is to help off the derech and troubled teens overcome destructive behaviors, gain self-confidence for the rest of their lives, and master survival skills by completing rigorous programs and physical activities including rock climbing, rope courses, white water rafting, group discussions, and other challenging activities. CAMP EXTREME is NOT a teen boot camp program or therapeutic boarding school.
As one of the best Jewish camps for troubled teens in the region, CAMP EXTREME also focuses on specific stressors for to teens coming from frum (Jewish Orthodox) homes and families, unlike other troubled youth programs. Program guidelines include Shabbos observance and strict adherence to Kosher dietary laws.
Outdoor adventure camps for teenagers are effective methods for helping troubled and at risk youth realize their potential and turn their lives around for the better. The remote setting of our programs for troubled teens removes off the derech teens from poor influences and provides them with an environment that is free from risk and distraction.
During our camp for troubled youth, after a busy activity filled day, discussion sessions and learning groups are held for the at risk and troubled teens to process daily lessons and goals.
These group sessions help to facilitate open communication and conversation among the at risk teens and counselors and foster an interest in issues and topics that are instrumental to redirect the paths of the at risk teens. Our counselors are experienced in a range of situations and are fully prepared to help each student that passes through our programs for troubled teens. The sessions are as long as they need to be to ensure each participant is getting the help and guidance they need. Session materials range from formal textbooks to informal materials that are picked up and discussed along the way.
Session Topics
All PROJECT EXTREME staff have outstanding credentials and are rigorously screened for a variety of factors. They come from the fields of social work and psychology and are qualified to lead formal and informal counseling, therapy, guidance, and discussion sessions for participants during our programs for troubled teens. In addition, the high staff-to-participant ratio ensures a level of attention and safety for all involved, which allows each at risk child to succeed both as an individual and as a member of a working team. All programs for troubled teens are accompanied by the Director and a licensed mental health professional.
PROJECT EXTREME provides an ongoing intensive training schedule for its staff. Several times during the year and additionally for one full week before each trip, counselors are required to attend in-depth seminars on how to respond to and detect the myriad of issues that can arise during the experience.
PROJECT EXTREME Staff Training includes but is not limited to the following topics and situations:
A professional adventure guide is hired to lead the participants and staff in the extreme sports and outdoor activities. Extreme sports are not only meant to entertain, but to build and develop character as well. They carry an element of risk and are difficult and rigorous. The demands of the situation allow the guide(s) to impart skills and traits that help the at risk participants gain control over it.
PROJECT EXTREME doesn’t end with the conclusion of a particular at risk youth program; follow-up is a major part of the service that we offer. We evaluate the overall life situation of our at risk teens and make suggestions as to the appropriate course of action to help guide them through school and life challenges long after the conclusion of our camp.
During the school year, CAMP EXTREME participants are strongly encouraged to attend Shabbatons, Yom Tov programs, and maintain weekly contact with PROJECT EXTREME staff.
Holiday Retreats – To help diffuse the stress often associated with holidays, Project Extreme offers inspiring retreats for certain Jewish holidays. These joyous occasions present an opportunity for at risk teens to relax in a pressure-free environment infused with the holiday elements that resonate with each participant.
Weekend Retreats – Project Extreme’s Weekend Retreats offer at risk teens recreational resources such as skiing and snowboarding, along with life skills to negotiate day-to-day challenges. The occasion is also used as an opportunity to review the progress made by participating teenagers and provide them with sustained guidance.
The basic rules for PROJECT EXTREME are no drugs, alcohol, or promiscuity. For safety reasons, a staff member must always accompany the teens. Violent behavior is not tolerated, and general good manners must be extended to the teens, counselors, and to everyone that we come into contact with.
Active participation in all PROJECT EXTREME activities- both for sports and counseling- is purely voluntary. PROJECT EXTREME does not force/coerce any type of activity, participation, or religious observance from the teens. Although the teens do not need to participate, attendance at events and activities is mandatory. Incentives are offered to encourage active participation.
Prior to each trip, all hospitals and clinics along the route are identified, and a list is provided to the staff. Doctors and nurses in the communities we are visiting or passing through are contacted, and a network has been established to provide healthcare 24 hours a day if necessary.
You can send a request for an application for CAMP EXTREME via the request form. Click here to request an application.
Acceptance to one of CAMP EXTREME’s at risk youth programs for troubled teens is contingent upon a fully completed application, interview, and letters of recommendation.
After the initial application is submitted and processed, any troubled teens who are deemed appropriate for our at risk youth programs will be contacted for a personal interview. Upon acceptance to our program, an additional, more detailed enrollment package will be sent for completion.
Tuition for the program is $5,000 and does not include airfare. Travel to and from CAMP EXTREME is payed for by the participants. Scholarship opportunities are available and offered on a first come first served needs basis. The scholarship application can be filled out via the portal, which will be sent via email along with the camper application. It is therefore advantageous to return applications and scholarship forms in a timely fashion.
Please email [email protected] or call 516-612-3922 with any questions regarding CAMP EXTREME.